Saturday, June 27, 2009


Have you ever wonder why Mahathir is so obsessed with building a bridge to Singapore. Why is he so furious when his successor dropped the project? And why is he pursuing this subject again through his latest blog? I had thought this crooked bridge is permanently sunk when Najib took over as new prime minister. I was wrong. Look like Mahathir is attempting to raise it from the depth, thus putting intense pressure on Najib handling of bilateral relationship with Singapore. Mahathir has written in his blog yesterday regarding the reasons why the Causeway should be demolished in the Malaysian side to make way for his ‘scenic bridge’. Singapore does not agree to a new bridge unless there is a ‘balance of interest’.

Mahathir was very upset and gone berserk when Badawi abandoned the crooked bridge project. He blamed Badawi for not honouring his promise to continue his pet project. Mahathir even cajoled his successor that if he builds the crooked bridge, he will stop criticising Badawi. Badawi ignored his warning, and Mahathir went on to discredit his handpicked successor and led a dirty campaign to force Badawi resignation. Badawi eventually resigned. Whether it was the work of Mahathir, no one can verify.

Why is Mahathir so bent on building this crooked bridge? He justifies the benefits with better traffic flows and cleaner environment. But his most vocal pitch is sovereignty, and even suggests that Malaysia is not independent if they need Singapore agreement to build the bridge. That is an emotional appeal to the public on nationalism. The use of sovereign right is a shrewd move by Mahathir to pressurise politicians not to disagree with him on the building of this crooked bridge.

I have follow this straight to crooked bridge saga for a long time. I like to share my conspiracy theory. This is totally my personal view and my concoction. It is NOT substantiated in anyway.

My theory is based on the following observations.

1. Mahathir deep repugnance and outright contempt for Singapore and LKY.
2. His blinding obsession to construct this bridge, even after he has left office.
3. His undying and relentlss effort to pressure Badawi and Najib to build this bridge.
4. His impatience and implusiveness to get the crooked bridge built even without any agreement from Singapore
5. Mahathir even declared that Malaysia will foot the entire bill for the bridge. How could he be so generous?
6. Demolish the Causeway

All these are the telltale signs of Mahathir sinister plot. Mahathir hatred for Singapore is well documented. He has the penchant to be vindictive and has trampled over all his political foes unscathed. This is his last change to put the dagger in the lion heart which has constantly outperformed and outshined him. In his 22 years as PM for Malaysia, he has failed to make Singapore subservient to him. He was never able to squeeze any concession out of Singapore as many negotiations fails to meet his expectation. The score card on his dealing with Singapore is miserable. The crooked bridge is his last chance to settle this score. Unfortunately, he cannot articulate this ulterior motive in public.

He was so impatient that he unilaterally started the bridge project without any agreement from Singapore. Surely, he must be aware that any bridge must have an end point in Singapore and Singapore must provide that beach. When Singapore opposed it, he took the option to build a half bridge. In order for the half bridge to have height and acceptable gradient for vehicles, a crooked bridge is designed. He may have even anticipated Singapore objection. Can you not see his desperation in getting this bridge built?

At the same time, the Singapore government is calmly acting ignorant as not to fall into his trap. So it is not about sands or some other issues in the ‘’balance of interest” negotiation. It not about cost or economic either. Singapore government is just delaying the inevitable. The bridge will be built someday but not now. WHY?

It’s all about water. Yes water.

The pipes that carry raw water from Malaysia to Singapore lay over the Causeway. Malaysia sells raw water to Singapore at a meagre price of 3 sens per 1000 gallons. It then sells back treated water at 50 sens per 1000 gallons. The treated water is sold to Johorean at a hefty profit. Now Johore has its own water treatment plant and is capable of meeting is own needs and does not need to repurchase water from Singapore. It’s no more mutual dependent.

The water infrastructure in Johore are all built and maintained by Singapore. If and when the causeway is demolished, so does the pipes that carry water to Singapore. It will be naive to expect Malaysia to the lay new pipes under the sea or lay pipes on the crooked bridge to supply raw water to Singapore at 3 sens. Cost wise, it cannot be justified. Commonsense dictates that Singapore will have to foot the bill. But the toughest questions is, where to lay the pipes from the halfway mark of the causeway through the Straits of Johore. Haha, we now need permission from Malaysia to lay new pipes both under the sea and over land. This is where Mahathir creates a situation where Malaysia will have the upper hand. Malaysia can declined approval giving any excuse available like environment etc.

Another serious problem is the interim period when the causeway is demolished, where will the water come from. That is Mahathir idea of a grand “checkmate”. He will be the greatest champion of a Malay nationalism, forcing Singapore to her knees to accept terms dictated by Malaysia while we are ‘checkmate’. Surely, Malaysia has plentiful of water to supply to Singapore, but it will be price dictated by the Malaysian. Of course he can’t present his plan now as he will look despicable and mean. If this plan succeed, he can proudly claim his greatest prize.

Singapore has to play the ignorant games now as not to give away its uneasiness. We can buy sand anywhere like we did in the last few years. But for water, we are not truly self sufficient yet, 40% of our water needs come from Malaysia. For that, we need the Causeway to be there as long as possible. If and when Singapore announced another desalination plant, you can understand why.

Mahathir blog on this crooked bridge is to restart his sinister campaign. He is putting pressure on Najib. He is making Najib looks unpatriotic and stupid if Najib dare not build this bridge with his idea of sovereignty. Mahathir shrewdness is unparalleled. He used Badawi as his dagger but Badawi threw it away. Now he passes the dagger to Najib. Singapore has to plan for contingency if Najib does succumb to Mahathir pressure. Surely our politicians have all options available but it is something I would be very uncomfortable to put it on my blog.

----------------------------------------Living to see the world----------------------------------

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



LKY recent visit to Malaysia highlighted the deep rooted mistrust and hatred for LKY and anything Singapore. The greatest anti-Singapore lobby is none other than Dr M and his die hard UMNO and Malay supporters. There is just no way Najib and the present leadership can improve bilateral relation to the next level unless this “anything but Singapore” resentment is tackled. If no Malaysian Malay politician possesses the political courage to take this issue by the horn, then Singapore will continue to be demonised by opportunistic and nationalistic politicians, hampering any chances for mutual cooperation and improved ties. They negative perception is so deeply entrenched in the psyche of an average Malay, propagated over decades by the Utusan Melaya and even NST. To untangle this psyche now has becomes extremely difficult. This bad blood needs more than a portent dosage, it needs to be ‘exorcised’ and better still ‘stoned to death’.


The crux of the anti-Singapore problem is historical. It started with Singapore joining the Malaysia Federation and was kicked out after 2 years and Singapore become independent by accident. Malaysia had adopted an affirmative policy that favours the ethnic Malays and Singapore has adopted meritocracy. Although the Malays are favoured in education and working opportunities, somehow, subconsciously, it works against the psyche of the Malays leadership. Socially and politically, it is a great scheme, but nationally, the interest of the nation is compromised in its ability to compete and advance.

So Mahathir planned grandiose mega-projects to showcase this development but everyone knows that the human software, the people, betrays the hardware displayed. In contrast, Singapore with is limited resources, governs on the principle of meritocracy, has consistently wins worldwide respect and accolades and outshines its northerly neighbour. For that, no matter how much Mahathir do for Malaysia, he knows he is constantly living in the shadow of LKY. He has to ‘tekan’ or get back at Singapore by making thing difficult. This enhanced his image to his countrymen and view him as superior leader to LKY. So as long as Mahathir is alive, he will ensure these anti-Singapore tirades and diatribes continue. That may explain the legendary enmity between these two old guards.

To put salt into the wound, LKY snubbed him by not calling on him but met up with old friends like Badawi when he visited Malaysia last week. To aggravate him further, LKY also met up with, and warmly received by Sultans and opposition leaders that have very scant respect for Mahathir. Surely he must be furiously mad, which in his blog, makes no effort to conceal his disgust and deep hatred by belittling LKY as the “little emperor” of Modern Middle Kingdom.


1. Malaysia race-based politics

UMNO is an ethnic based party and strive on its platform as the defender of and protector of Malays’ rights since its inception. It places racial interest above national interest. Currently, the only justifiable reason for its relevance and existence is in its ability to serve the Malay’s interest. In stark contrast to UMNO, Singapore meritocratic principle is on the opposite pole where no race is favoured and Singapore has excelled and continues to brain drained talents from Malaysia.

2. Meritocracy verses affirmative action

This meritocratic principle has very strong appeal from the non-Malays and Singapore leaders are quietly admired over the causeway. UMNO has always feel threatened by Singapore meritocratic policy. There must be some latent fear that the non-bumiputras will use Singapore as an example to push for reforms. Some UMNO members are honestly supporting this affirmative policy as a means to improve the welfare and development of the Malays. However, it is well known that many UMNO members benefited financially from tenders and projects reserved for the bumiputras. There are therefore quarters that will steadfastly protect their financial interest in the name of welfare. Some well educated, successful urban Malays are finding their affirmative action embarrassing as it denies them proper recognition for their success due to prejudice and negative perception.

3. Marginalisation of Singapore Malays

For this reason, UMNO and anti-Singapore quarters had always pick the ‘Marginalisation' story of Malays in Singapore to reiterate to the Malays in Malaysia why they are better off. Such rhetoric has worked and will continue to be used. Together with the government controlled media under Mahathir regime, Singapore leaders has been demonised as anti-Malays. Over the decades of propaganda, with enough mud was thrown, some are bound to stick. So in the mindsets of most Malays in Malaysia, Singapore is anti-Malays out to take advantage of them and must never be trusted. Singapore bashing and anti-Singapore tirades over the decades have become fashionable and thus, it will be embarrassing for the new PM to embrace Singapore and cooperate with this neighbour. To this end, UMNO politicians have basically ‘snookered’ themselves.

4. Singapore Bashing

There are no shortage of opportunistic politicians to do Singapore ‘bashing’. It is an art perpetuated by Mahathir and is politically cost free. This time, Khairy, UMNO Youth's President is real quick to jump on the bandwagon to exploit this issue of selling sand to Singapore. Traditionally, Youth president is accorded a ministerial post. Khairy is left out of the cabinet and well, he need to be heard and not be forgotten. Soon many more dormant politicians will be beating the same drum.


So in my conclusion, we are way off the mark for any new beginning with Malaysia. Good bilateral and mature relationship is still beyond the horizon. The underlying mistrust and fear of Singapore dominating the Malays has been so deeply ingrained in the mindset of ordinary Malays. The Singapore threat was meant to be a scare as well as a slogan to unite UMNO, but over the years, it has becomes self fulfil prophesy, many now actually believe the threat is real. Under this circumstance, it will take many more decades to eradicate the mistrust. Of course, there will be selective cooperation when the need arises. In the foreseeable future, give and take will be out of the equation.


Well the ball is now in Najib hand. Does he have the clout to silence all the anti-Singapore critics, only time will tell. He may decide to take the safer path like his predecessor to maintain status quo and not to rock this rickety boat. Or he may take the bull by the horn and once and for all, shown all Malaysians his is Boss. That is, if he dares to take on his ex-boss.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Even before LKY complete his 8 days tour of Malaysia, Mahathir could not wait any longer to show his hatred for LKY. In his blog, with its trademark sarcasm, irrefutably displays his utmost frustration and envy that so many Malaysian politicians from both the government and opposition have accorded LKY with so much attention and respect. His blog whacks all who met up with LKY including Badawi which he refers as the 5th PM. Surely, this is a subtle warning to the 6th, Najib.

Mahathir dislike and tirades against Singapore are well documented. I have said many times, he is a consummated politician, skill in the manipulation and political exploitation. That’s how he was able to survive Malaysian politics for over 3 decades. This visit by LKY presents him a perfect opportunity to get back on centre stage. From the blog, it is apparent that he will use the water and sand issues to politicise his cause and manipulate the emotion of Malaysian particularly the Malays. His blog ended with remarks that he has more to say and reserve it for later. That means Mahathir’s dagger is unsheathed and I can hardly wait to watch this mudslinging drama unfold as well as how Najib will respond to his diatribe.

As a shrewd politician, Mahathir is also testing the ground, and if his support is not forthcoming, he may just let it fades. Already, comments supporting him are coming fast on his blog. At the same time, he has to be careful not to upset Najib too much as he himself ever said, that 'nothing is permanent, only personal interest is'. I sense that it will be difficult to garner any open support from any powerful politicians as he has no benefits to offer.

His blog portray LKY as a little emperor of the Middle Kingdom. The words used, “little”, “emperor”, “Middle Kingdom” has very subtle racial undertone. In my view, it is to rouse the emotion of the Malay constituency. The water and sand issue is to stir nationalistic sentiment and provide a meaningful platform for Mahathir to restore his political stature from political oblivion in the last few years.

I will reproduce his blog here for your reading pleasure.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. Ancient China considered itself the centre of the world and called itself the Middle Kingdom. And well it should. It was far more advanced in every way than Europe of the Dark Ages. Maybe China is thinking of making a comeback.

2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom now. During Lee Kuan Yew's triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.

3. Of course this self-deluding perception places Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom.

4. Kuan Yew also explained that the fear Singapore Chinese would control Iskandar whatever is not justified. Malays can also work there. It is good to know that Malays can also work in their own country. I wonder as what? Maybe someone should make a study of the Malays of Singapore just to know what it is like to be a Malay minority in their own country.

5. As for the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore Lee says it was absurd for the former Prime Minister of hinterland Malaysia to ask to increase it to RM8 per 1000 gallons. I don't know where he got this. Some Malaysian officers did suggest this figure but we were ready to bargain and maybe settle for RM3. And why not? Johore sells raw water to Melaka for 30 sen, 1000% higher than to Singapore. And Melaka is, I believe, a part of Malaysia! Some Malaysians may see the irony of this.

6. The great 5th Prime Minister has decided that since the people of Johore did not want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge, straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what its wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can't think of a more astute PM for Malaysia.

7. All those who met the great man from the little country were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should not have anymore problems now. We have been told the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.

8. I have a lot more to say about this little Emperor but I will reserve it for later.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

LKY Guarded Optimism on Malaysia

LKY has spoken up. In an interview on Thursday night, he said rather firmly,

'I had to emphasise that it cannot be cooperation today, non-cooperation next year and then back again, backwards and forwards,' 'No private investor will go into huge projects, which require decades to recoup, unless there's long-term stability in the policy,'

Thus he has reiterated that if the Malaysia wanted Singaporean investment, they have to be serious and committed to improving long term bilateral ties with Singapore.

LKY believes that the Malaysian cabinet is solidly behind Prime Minister Najib's policy to co-operate with Singapore in a broad range of areas. He said:

"If there are discordant voices either from the states who may voice some reservations or from whatever high sources within UMNO, then doubts will be cast in the minds of private investors."

I remember vividly during Mahathir’s era when relationship blew hot and cold at the whim and fancy of the ex-Malaysian PM. The 1990 POA on the Malayan Railway Land and the price of water agreed at 60 sen were prime examples. It was agreement followed shortly by disagreement. The unpleasant shutdown of the CLOB, banning of sand to Singapore, closing the airspace for training and constant criticising Singapore meritocratic policy, marginalisation of Singapore Malays has cause relationship to be rocky and turbulent at times. Effectively, LKY is telling the Malaysian that Singapore do not wish to live through these episodes again as they are counterproductive. Malaysia and Singapore should cooperate for long term mutual benefits.

I am sure Mahathir is watching from the sideline with anger. When queried by reporter whether LKY will meet him, he said in his typical cynical style, loaded with sarcasm.

I don’t see why he would request to see me, I am a nobody,” he told reporters when pressed further what if there was a request from Lee to see him.

“Lee Kuan Yew has much experience. Our politicians know nothing. That is why we have to learn from Singapore. Singapore is a great country, they invest so much money,” he said.

On the third bridge issue, Dr Mahathir said: “If we give sand, then we can get the bridge.” - Bernama

The trip has so far been positive for LKY. He managed to meet most of the senior Malaysian politicians, Sultans, Mentri Besars and even the wife to PM Najib. Officially, the Malaysian press coverage has been positive as anticipated with the Chinese medias giving more spin than the English. In Singapore ST, the coverage was comprehensive with many pages including front page.

So far, Mahathir and his anti-Singapore quarters have kept a stoic silence. This reaffirms and demonstrates Najib grip on UMNO and BN politicians is real. Unlike during Badawi’s reign, every politicians spoke their minds independently without following any directives from the PM’s office. So far no one has gone out of steps.

Perhaps they are waiting for a more opportune time. Mahathir has tried to look unperturbed. The issue of “Crooked Bridge” is a dead horse to flog. Likewise, raising objection to Singapore investment in the Iskander project will be politically unwise and may backfire against him. But Mahathir silence won't be for long. Sensing the right time, he will stoke nationalist sentiment using the sale of sand to Singapore to underscore his points and exploit the Malay ground. That he has hinted at his parting shot regarding sale of sand and the third bridge.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009



Lee Kuan Yew is to visit Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and tour four Malaysian states, Penang, Perak, Kelantan and Pahang over the next 8days. He will meet PM Najib, his deputy as well as UMNO and BN politicians, businessmen and opposition leaders. I find the timing of the visit surprising and the itineraries extraordinary and perplexing.


The visit to Malaysia will bring LKY to the most unlikely places. Visiting Penang and meeting Lim Guan Eng of DAP will surely stoke resentment in some quarters of Malaysia. DAP was reputed to be the ‘illegitimate child’ of PAP when Singapore separated from Malaysia. Meeting Nik Aziz of PAS was unthinkable many years ago because of its religious intolerance. To balance these two meetings, LKY will enter the hornet nest in Perak. There he will meet new MB, Zambry, controversially installed by the Sultan of Perak, which he will also meet. The MB's row is still under the preview of the judiciary. I believe meeting with MB Zambry was a favour to Najib. This is to give some recognition and legitimacy to his appointment. All these meetings are a big puzzle for me. I find this baffling and difficult to comprehend.Imagine Najib visiting Chee Soon Juan or Low Thia Kiang in Hougang.


I salute PM Najib for his political courage to sanction this trip. They tour can bring unintended political repercussion and any slip up can potentially bring embarrassment to Najib and the government of Malaysia. Najib must have weighed the political gain against any fallout. This demonstrates Najib confidence in managing domestic politics and handling all the ‘warlords’ and rightists from UMNO. None of his predecessor including Mahathir would have the guts to approve such an itinerary.


What are the political motives? Why is LKY making this trip? What can the Malaysian gain? LKY must have a very good reason to walk down this slippery slope.


Authorising LKY’s trip to the Malay’s heartland conveys a message to all Malaysians especially his fellow UMNO colleagues that he is a strong leader with strong political will. This also implies his ability to manage sensitive relationship with Singapore and LKY which his predecessors has failed. It reinforces his image as the biggest ‘warlord’, an unchallenged boss not beholden to any quarters especially Mahathir.


Singapore had been part of Malaysia and LKY was the man instrumental to both joining as well as separation from Malaysia. When Singapore was part of Malaysia, LKY has been the thorn in the flesh for UMNO. UMNO is determined to ensure that it is the Malays who must be the political master under the ‘Ketuanan Malayu’ concept of Malay supremacy. But LKY has different ideas; he wanted a Malaysian’s Malaysia under the principle of meritocracy. The Tunku feared that LKY might succeed and may even become the PM of Malaysia. For that, Tunku forced him out of Malaysia, and Singapore became independent in 1965 by accident.


In the psyche of average Malaysians, Singapore is always seen as a younger brother (adek) who were chased out of the house but still need help and generosity from the elder brother (abang). In the early days, Singapore was highly dependent on Malaysia as a hinterland for food, water as well as commerce.

Now in a globalised world, Singapore is less dependent on Malaysia. Instead, Malaysia is highly dependent on Singapore for investment as well as providing many jobs for Malaysians. Both countries have become mutually dependent on one another and Malaysia had realised that it does not have the political muscle to arm twist Singapore as it wishes anymore. Economically, Singapore has become richer and more successful and highly respected in this world. Najib may have acknowledged this and decides to move on and stop playing brinksmanship as Mahathir did. Such attitude is counterproductive especially when Malaysia's economy is facing the worst downturn in this recession.


Over the years, LKY was demonised by UMNO at every opportunity. It was fashionable for Singapore bashing and demonstrations against LKY were common. It served many purposes. It promotes Malays unity and superiority; deflects attention in times of domestic problems, and allows politicians a popular platform and topics to capture public attention. And it is cost free.


This demonization of LKY and Singapore becomes so apparent during Mahathir’s era. Mahathir even succeeded in convincing the politically apathetic Chinese in Malaysia to become anti-Singapore. Mahathir had found this a useful tool to unite his country and keep his UMNO rightists happy. Many a times he would criticised Singapore for ‘marginalising the Malays in Singapore’ and often praises his Bumiputra policy for improving the welfare of Malaysia Malays. UMNO was protrayed as relevant and very important. And he will continue to warn them if they do not support UMNO, they will end up in similar plight like the Malays in the south. Of course this is outright fallacy, but the rhetoric nonetheless is widely accepted.


It is opportune time to change the negative perception of LKY in Malaysia. The Malaysian is in good position to put a positive spin and cast away any negative image of LKY and Singapore. LKY needs to convince his host that Singapore has no quarrel with Malaysia, especially the Malays, and reiterates that Singapore is not trying to undermine its political system. All is needed is some praises and accolades from LKY, publicly acknowledges Malaysia’s impressive industrialisation and development especially among the Bumiputras. The rest of the propaganda can be left to the government controlled presses in Malaysia.

So here is an opportunity for LKY to redress this perception.


The visit by LKY may be time to unshackle the old political baggage. The bad blood had lasted too long. It is most appropriate for LKY to end this chapter gracefully. The ‘adek’ comes home to visit ‘abang’ to mend ties. This will give Malaysia ‘face’ for closure and allows a new beginning for both Najib and Lee Hsien Loong. It will make the work easier for both PMs. Both are children of respective ex-prime ministers. If Najib can cease this opportunity, then the thorny relationship and difficult issues between Malaysia and Singapore will stand a better chance to be resolved. And both can look forward to better and less contentious relationship.


Any wise politicians from both sides of the Causeway are consciously aware that there are too many politically motivated constrains to economic cooperation, both at private and public level. It is time to remove the prejudice, mistrust and undo the propaganda perpetuated and exacerbated by Mahathir. Successfully shedding this anti Singapore attitude will also spur Malaysians and civil servants to be friendlier to Singapore visitors and investors. Najib seems to be aware that there are so much more to gain from cooperation. If LKY can humble himself in the Malay heartland, it certainly can help mend ties with Malaysia. Najib will be able to claim credit for this initiative for improving ties with Singapore. This too can significantly improve Najib’s image as a statesman.


The tour if properly orchestrated and the right words articulated will help clear the mistrust and remove bad blood between both countries. The prejudices from both sides are dampeners to any businesses. Many companies, especially the Malay controlled, fear to tread this political mine field by cooperating with Singapore. No Malays would want to be seen to ‘Kow tow” or cooperate with an ‘enemy’ like Singapore. One classic example was when Mahathir vetoed the sales of a Malaysian telecom company Time Engineering from being bought over by Singtel. Malaysia also banned the sale of sand to Singapore and stop the trading of Malaysian shares on SGX. Mahathir is also vehement in his objection for Singapore to invest in Iskandar project in Johore using racially sensitive argument. Many Malaysian farmers losses business to Singapore when the latter decided to sought food elsewhere after Malaysian constant unhappiness over rising inflation in Johore.


Ideally, Singapore should always have a special relationship with Malaysia. We should help one another unconditionally, but under Mahathir, the political climate made it impossible. Now both countries are under tremendous pressure from this unprecedented economic crisis. And it is imperative that both countries should explore every opportunity for mutual benefits. Any business is desperately needed to create jobs for both countries. This new attitudes should override all existing bilateral difficult issues. I believe LKY is in a perfect position to clear the path for his son Lee Hsien Loong. Younger Lee will be visiting KL soon to meet PM Najib, son of LKY’s contemporary Abdul Razak. LKY may be the forward party to negotiate a deal with Malaysia.


Officially the news media observe this trip is for LKY to size up and update himself on Malaysia. I thought this analysis unconvincing. Malaysia is an open society and there is no secret to hide. There are no shortage of news and information on Malaysia. Of course, he may have an insight into Malaysian domestic politics after meeting politicians on both sides of the bench.


8 days is a long time. During this period, many things can go wrong. I will follow the news of LKY visit and try to make my own interpretations on what was seen, said and most important of all, what was not said. Maybe, there may be some surprises installed for the public.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

LEE BEE WAH very silent

Lee Bee Wah, president of STTA public outburst against her head coach Liu Guodong during last year Olympic has raised public unhappiness. I watched it on CNA and was disgusted and totally agreed with the public comments to the presses and in the cyberspace her public flare up was outrageously ill timed and uncalled for. It was only one day after the country had won an Olympic silver medal after 50 years of trying. Ironically, the medal was won by the same coach that LBW castigated in public for some slipped up. They country is in a jubilant mood, celebrating a rare win for Singapore in the sport arena. While the praises and congratulations were still pouring in and out of nowhere, this MP for Ang Mo Kio decided to get the limelight.

To this day, I am still puzzled by the timing of the outburst. Was it politically motivated, capitalising on the moment of glory to do this stunt to capture the attention of all Singaporeans to know her and hear her loud and clear? As an MP, it’s hard to believe that she is not aware of the sensitivity involved and the protocol of public bashing of one’s subordinate. If this was a politically motivated action to showcase her leadership, then her objective would have been partially achieved. Now all Singaporeans know who Lee Bee Wah is. The downside is, she left a big public relation debris for her political masters to clear up. As we won the Olympic silver, it was easy to forgive when she apologised. That I thought was the end of the episode.

The national award of Singapore Coach of the Year started episode 2. When asked why Liu Guodong was not nominated for this award, she shot herself in the foot again. The public as well as some well known sport council members were surprise that a coach that won an Olympic medal was excluded and not nominated. Again Lee Bee Wah made a classic error. She said, a coach must be 'professional, have integrity, be able to gel the team, and be well-respected by all his players'. This implied the coach lack integrity and professionalism. It was appalling that a politician could have uttered such remarks without the ability to substantiate and justify what she commented on.

All coaches have skill in psychological mind games and I think Liu Guodong is no exception. He decided to fly in to Singapore to seek clarification. As the remarks by LBW can potentially hurt his future career, he needs clarification and that was very reasonable to ask for. That I think has put the shutter back in LBW’s court. Following many meeting with STTA’s officials, without the presence of LBW, no acceptable outcome was forthcoming. Even a junior minister appeals for amicable solution. And Liu Guodong said he will be back. And that’s another psychological pressure.

But where is LBW? Why so silent? For someone who was so loud and vocal, the silence has big significance and many implications.

I am inclined to believe that she has become a political liability for her political master. As an MP in the Prime Minister GRC of Ang Mo Kio, she cannot continue to raise controversy at a time of economic recession. An MP must exemplify good common sense, humble and empathise with the common people. The perception on the ground is she is lacking in all these areas. May I borrow a phrase from the AWARE saga, she may be asked to “shut up and sit down”. If no apology and clarification is heard from her personally in the months ahead, then my assumption look reasonable.

If I am wrong, then there will be episode 3.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


The golden rule of investment for any successful investor is to buy low and sell high. But this is always easier said than done. Novice investors are more too often caught in buying frenzy, ending up as a laughing stock from seasoned investors as suckers for buying high and selling low. But take heart, do not be dishearten, even the very big boys of investors do end up buying high and selling low.

The recent sale of Barclays stake by Temasek does illustrate this point. It bought the stock almost at the peak and sold at the bottom of the market, losing an estimated S1.4 billion. Similarly, this Temasek shamble followed hard on the heels of the colossal loss on the Bank of American stake bought near the top of the market and disposed off near the bottom of the market. Temasek suffered losses in excess of S$3 billion over the sales of BOC stake.

The questions one beg to ask here is just how all the MBAs and PHDs of economics, outstanding scholars and civil servants of high pedigree, highly paid foreign talents with outstanding resumes got it all so wrong at Temasek. They are experts in field of finance and banking, risks management, strategic investment and due diligence. They are paid millions to be ahead of the curve and yet they display the same folly as novice investor. The simple truth is that no one is immune to this investment syndrome, ‘BUY HIGH, SELL LOW’.

Investment is all about timing. The professionals at Temasek got the fundamental outrageously wrong. They timing of the purchase was too premature and then made the classic error of selling too early. As the financial crisis deepened towards the end of 2008, with macroeconomic landscape deteriorating rapidly, they must have panic and decide to cut loss by dumping both Barclays and BOC shares. Interesting, recently the SWF of Abu Dhabi also divested their entire stake in Barclays with a gain of almost S$3 billion. It bought the stake after Temasek, when Barclays was desperate and sold last week when the stock recovered, after Temasek had disposed its entire stake.

The moral of the story is man is not infallible. In investment, strings of qualifications and experiences do not necessary guarantee success. Investment is a soft science that is complicated by too many variables. Choosing only the correct variables in decision making is an art as well as luck. The macroeconomics is many much affected by political decisions and fiscal policies. Human sentiment is normally unpredictable but is one of the greatest influences in investment climate. That could explain the volatility and incompatibility of stock prices at times. Common sense and rationality are at times completely ignored in investment, instead human allows sentiment to defy logics and reasons.

Getting it wrong in investment is no big deal. But in the case of Temasek investment in Barclays and BOC, the question on my mind is when did they acknowledged this investment has gone wrong. Upon acknowledging the mistake, as professional investors must do, quickly divest and mitigate the loss. Well, these professionals have the management tools and credentials to manage an aborted investment. Did they execute their decisions professionally and in a timely manner? We can only speculate, because no answer will be forthcoming.

For all those investors that have make wrong investment, do not despair as you are not alone. Even the best in the game can get it wrong. Take comfort, as in the bull fighting ring, the matadors do not win all the times, sometimes the bulls also win. The difference is, if the bull wins, the matador picture will be on the front page. Likewise, if the big boy loses big, we also read it from the newspaper. And when this loss becomes public news, they will be many vocal voices asking for accountability as the money belongs to the people and the state.

-------------------------------------Living to see the world------------------------------

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


American industrial icon, founded almost 100 years ago, used to be the face of American industrial power had filed for bankruptcy. This filing has been anticipated long ago as the only option left for GM. So it didn’t came as a surprise to anyone in the world. They was no mayhem for the financial market, instead, the Dow Jones ended 220 points up. The rest of the world markets from Asia to Europe too enjoy one of the best days of the current market phenomenal rally.

GM has gone bankrupt, but so what? The factories will still be around, the workers will still be working and the same cars are still being produced. In reality, it’s just restructuring the company with a new owner taking over. Some assets are divested and many creditors are forced to write off loans and to accept new repayment terms. Employees too will have to accept the lost of perks and benefits. They have no choice if they wish to keep their jobs.

The biggest shareholder of GM will be the US government. This is the continuing phenomenon in corporate America. Previously, the US government does not own any commercial assets. Now it own substantial stakes in major banks, insurance companies and financial institutions. The US government used to pride itself as the only country that truly practice free market economy. It boasts the superiority of capitalism over socialism or communism. It used to berate other countries for subsidising industries and accused other countries of unfair competition. This financial crisis will forever change the landscape of corporate America. Perhaps US government should take a page from Singapore's model to create something similar to Temasek Holding or GIC.

The failure of GM should be a lesson to all American companies. It needs to be nimble and competitive. It had to be relevant to the rest of the world. It cannot ignore and be oblivious to the market needs of the rest of the world. The world is just too globalised and it cannot be inward looking and fool itself that it produces the best models and able to survive on domestics market alone. It needs to learn from Toyota and Honda.

The trying question is, can the new company survives. Or will it bleed more red ink and taxpayers have to foot the bills. Can they seriously compete with the Japanese or Korean auto makers? Failures means that American will be driving Asian made cars in future, just like all the products made in China sold in Walmart. Only time will tell.
